Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jack Carnahan 78 gold 12/8/09
A hand full of researchers started to lure great white sharks with a fake seal to the back of the bout to tag and track them. The reason the researchers choose a seal for bait because the great white sharks natural pray is seal because it so tasty. After luring the shark to the bout the researchers would attach two types to tags the first tag they put on the shark is a tag to track movement, the second tag is a tag to track the sharks precise location this tag is called______.
What is the name of the second tag?
(A) Acoustic tag
B sonar tag
C shark tracking tag

You many not know but a large amount of honey bees disappearing these days. Most of those honey bees have a whim to fly out of there hive and then they die. Empty hives left by the honey bees are a lot of worry about important food crops. Researchers do have ideas about what is affecting the bee’s health. There theory is that the honey bees are getting sick from poisons widely used to kill ____.
What does the poison that affects the honey bee’s health spouse to kill?
A Human’s
B germs
C insects

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