Monday, April 19, 2010

• Journal entrys
There was a depression in 1837 and again in 1842.

• The government was offering free land to anyone who would make a farm in the Oregon country.
• The U.S. government wanted people to move to the west because some people believed strongly in Manifest Destiny, so they migrated to the Oregon country.

• A settler could claim about 650 acres in Oregon by planting crops and making a home in the first few year of living there.

• Some of the people went west so they could practice their own religion freely like the Mormons who ventured west during the Oregon trial and ended up in Utah.

• Some people were bothered by the existence of slavery so they packed up their things and headed west.

• Some farmers were feeling crowded and needed more space or farmers felt like 650 Acres were too much land to

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